Friday, December 19, 2014

The Book Thief

Lately, I have been watching innumerous movies and almost reading no precious book. All the books which I wanted to read, I decided to watch their movie versions. Though I know even a masterpiece-movie can not replace the joy-of-reading-a-good-book. But I had no option. So, I watched specially Gone with the wind and The Great Gatsby and most recently The Book Thief the next desiring one is- Fifty Shades of Grey.
via: google images

Yesterday I watched The Book Thief. It was like - Hypnotizing. The beautiful young girl - Liesel Meminger, the innocent love of -Rudy Steiner and humanity of - Hans Hubermann are spellbound. 
The movie is based on the novel by Australian author  Markus Zusak which was first published in 2005. It is directed by- Brian Percival. It portrays the Germany of 1938 when it was ruled by Hitler and Nazis. The whole story is narrated by Death. 

The most striking thing about the story is - Humanity and the power of Words. Humanity is everywhere among the people of Nazi Germany.  Hans Hubermann takes  Liesel Meminger as a foster daughter whose mother was a communist. Later, he takes in a Jewish boy Max Vandenburg because his father had saved Hans' life in a war. With the humanity, there are Words in the movie like air. Liesel Meminger can not read, it is with the help of her new papa that she begins to learn to read. Books mesmerize her and she can't hold herself back from stealing them. Upon asking by Hans that is the book yours? She says, "It wasn't always mine." The power of words is so surprising that almost dying Max is restored to life by Liesel's reading to him. And further, with the motivation of Max, Liesel even begins to write. 

via:google images

The movie is definitely a work that unfolds multiple layers of meaning and metaphors. It bounds you in a moment. And the girl playing Liesel is so beautiful. Altogether, you can't forget the movie. !!!

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