Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Darling: A recommended Story

Recommended stories generally have another hidden story behind it. And if it is recommended by someone who loves or cares for you , the pleasure, curiosity and the mystery is heightened. Darling by Anton Chekhov was such a recommended story by a dear friend. I thank that 'anonymous' friend who anonymously illumined my life.

The story, Darling had an enormous effect on my whole being. It touched the emotional chord and left imprints on my mind. Olienka , the protagonist, who is a darling for everyone that comes in her life, is definitely not me in some cases. For example, I am affected but no so much by his opinions whom I love to such an extent that I would fail to relate myself to those things once he is gone from my life. I am not very enthusiastic to wear other's opinions. But yes she is me, or I am her when it comes to falling in love. For Olienka , Love is the source of life-energy. Love gives meaning to life. Without love what one is but a withered flower. For Olienka , Love meant loving a human heart. She would not love her cat who tries to rubs away her loneliness. But Love definitely is not confined to physical needs. It transcends the limits of physical love and even emotional and strives to attain the meaning of life.

The most awfully poignant dialogue of the story is : " How awful it is not to have opinions !"

How a little of her heart is revealed towards the end and the story touches us deeply.

The story was among the most complete and satisfying stories I have read till now. The Long Exile by Tolstoy and The Last leaf by O Henry are two other stories that have touched me immensely. But as I said, recommended story has another flavor in it, you need to savor , the taste of love in it.

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