Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gulaal - Thoughts on my Mind

Just watched Gulaal.

Thoughts on my mind -

1.) Gulaal is a good movie.

2.) At least , it Provokes.

3.) Piyush Mishra ; eh ! he is a Man !!!

4.) Songs - Would have to Read the Lyrics, (as one had to do with the lyrics of Rockstar's songs) that's a compliment, isn't it. And well... the beats will remain for long in the heart. They are very conventional and yet afresh, anew aroma lingers about them - a compliment that even Rockstar missed.

5.) Ground-level Politics - that was the first striking thing.

6.) Violent , abusive, rash, coarse - and yet a poetic feeling wraps them all. Credit goes to the - Symbolism, Dark Characters, Madness, Tragedy ??

7.) Nothing is made up, added for flavor - what is , it is.

Second Thoughts -  

1.) Read about Anurag Kashyap - his life is itself like a movie, interesting ! inspiring !

2.) Madness always adds a poetic touch to the life, literature and movie. Madness mirrors the life within - incoherent, inconsistent and irrational.

3.) The place of Ransa is the Post-Modernism Alive. Bob Marley with Pornographic light effects, sharp red-Green erotic lights, with frames all over the walls. Its not just to create a dark-lusty atmosphere but to emphasize the underlying Plotting and Deceit. 


  1. good one :-) I think Gulaal is a milestone film here. It will remember of courage, subject, dedication to poets, Anurag and the rise of Piyush Mishra !

  2. for second thought
    point no. 1 :

  3. Thank you Sagar ji for the link. It is really an interesting interview.


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