Friday, January 4, 2013

I am Fool

I was thinking about this for a long, but couldn't find time to pen down my thoughts. Yesterday I was reading about Socrates. It was said, that once this word went on around Athens that Socrates is the wisest in the whole country. Many disbelieved it along with Socrates, so he decided to test wise men in order to prove that he is not wisest in the country. He tested many but they turned out to be not so Wise and at last he sighed and said, alright, I think I am the wisest because at least I know that I Don't Know Everything.

People are arrogant because they think they have knowledge. There are also another kind of people, who are arrogant because they have Knowledge-Thirst. Now this is utterly funny. To me, knowledge is really not everything. One man , who thinks he has all knowledge of the world is nothing for example, if he doesn't understand why his baby is crying or when to speak and when not to.

I have analyzed many strange people and after thinking for months I have come to this conclusion (after years the conclusion may again change, but anyway) To me, an integrated personality would include below points in their order -

1. Knowing your priorities
2. Knowing your responsibilities
3. Knowing what to say and when.
4. Being Positive and Having Problem solving attitude
5. Trying to Improve everyday

* The wise men always speak less, listen more, and express liking and disliking even rarely.

Now let me explain it, those who speak a lot, like,  enthusiastically about the world, its problems, what they like and do not like, how things go about, what went wrong, what was best and so on till the day they die ... they are actually proving (almost every human being, including me) they are Fool, because at one moment you say , this world is Illusion, and next moment you take it for Real. And the most foolish living being on earth ,  call himself, knowledgeable , wise, great...or want to be...

P.S. - she laughs, looks up at the sky, gazes at the stars and at the mystery twinkling through them, she calls them, calls to the wind - 'I am fool, and I am grateful.' 

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