Friday, August 6, 2010

Endangered Tradition of Letter Writing

Now a days in the time of Globalization the word "letter" seems out of the world and out dated word. Technology has become one of the epidemic of this century . I remember a beautiful thought from a friend's letter that he had always fancied to have a pen - friend who would be sitting in a far corner of the world and waiting for his letters but now instead of pen - friends we have net - friends who , we know , obviously get our message within a day . The whole process has become so obvious that "wait" has finished , and so the "excitement" with it.

Wao! What statistics ! In twenty-one years , I have hardly received three or four letters and I am afraid I sent back less than this. Of course , I am  not pleading to step back in the term of development and begin a new era of letter - writing . I could have still done that but I am afraid of those who , in the name of Go Green , would kill me for wasting paper. Well , to feel the romance of writing and receiving letters I can even labor to plant trees every weekend.

We have moved on in the world of technology ,and  I want to believe it is for good , but I have a secret sympathy for endangered traditions - ah! no no not really for institutional or religious traditions but for such sweet traditions related to old lifestyle as one is - letter writing. It is sweet because of so many psychological reasons. First , we wait for someone's letter it gives us time - may be time to think and cherish memories , teaches patience ... then with letter we see the writing of other person-  it becomes substitute for his absence , we can make out lots of expressions from his writing ,  and so on... Well, I love them because I can keep them safely and read them when ever I miss the other person. And I think at least we can save this dying tradition by sending letters once in a while and pass it on to the next generation and let them decide what to do with it. A letter , I am sure in our techno life will bring a little romance , what's say?


  1. just send ur address

    we may become as a pen friend - if u wish..

  2. i had a pen friend...and i miss those day when we both were waiting for each other's letters :)


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