Thursday, November 18, 2010

Congratulations Mr. Cole!

 Mr. Cole , about whom I read in today's The Hindu , reminds me of Van Gogh. Though  Van Gogh was a Dutch post- impressionist artist and Mr Cole was a Black photographer but one thing is common between them and that is - they both found a way to express themselves in the world.

Mr. Cole created a moving pictorial record of what it was like to be a black in apartheid South Africa. The largest retrospective of his work , once banned , is now on display in Johannesburg. The photos clicked by him seem to be the photos of an another world , an unfamiliar world. Someone like me can not imagine the horrible lives of these Black people. No I can not ! Living in a perfect world where all is well and beauty is not hard to find and where one can do what one wishes - at least most of the times - it is unbelievable that such horrible things exist in the world.

There is one photo he clicked  of gold-mine recruits, who had been lined up in a grimy room for a group examination, after sneaking his camera into the mine inside his lunch bag.  

And in another photo  a child is clutching to his board in a hottest day at unfurnished school .

The people who visited the museum said that the room was full of anger. A kid wondered how could white people do this to them. The photos are full of different emotions . They are so moving specially one in which a black maid is holding a white baby who is kissing her forehead and she says "“I love this child, though she’ll grow up to treat me just like her mother does.” A maid quoted by Ernest Cole in his caption for this picture." 

Sometimes I think there are so many things happening in the world and how much we know of it? Most of us like to live in an Ivory Tower , isolated from the world around us . Then people like Mr. Cole inspire us , open our eyes and make us realize that we cant sit idle when so many things ; good or bad , happening around us. The world is a part of our eternal journey and we have a significant role to play here. We must choose a medium to express ourselves honestly and so contribute in the world. People like Mr. Cole and Van Gogh did it now it is our turn .

Congratulations Mr. Cole!


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