Monday, January 16, 2012

The Notebook

My Notebook - I have got this freelancing job, so called. I don't like it. Not a speck of it. Why not to read blogs, stories, about authors or write myself than to write about ***damn cars n mobile which are never going to be mine.

Alright but this blog was supposed to be about the movie, The Notebook, not about my Notebook ... anyway :)
I watched The Notebook yesterday, a movie based on the novel written by Nicholas Sparks. Apart from all that was beautiful in the movie, there was something striking. Or at least it struck me. In the beginning the hero says to the girl , there is something curious about you... you are Free. "Yes I am Free", replies the girl.
Oh the girl wouldn't be confused between Noah and Lon if she were free. No one is free in this world. Everyone is chained by his/her convictions, principles, fears and so on...

But there will be no beauty in life if one is clear in his/her mind. The struggle, the conflicts between heart and mind, society and individual makes most stories wonderful and lives too... :)


  1. Freedom is not absence of commitment, it is will and guts to choose one thing and committing to it, PC said once.

    nice review :)

  2. Complete Agree with you or PC :)
    This isnt even a review, its just like that :) Thank you for liking it.

  3. is this what that struck you?
    "Noah: I always figure you're
    Allie: Kinda what ?
    Noah: Free.
    Allie: What ?
    Noah: Just free
    Allie: I-am-free
    Noan: You don't seems like it
    Allie: Well, I am"

    I guess, Noah loved Allie from the very first sight, and eventually after some desperate attempts when he went on a date with Allie,he got to know how rich and reserved girl she is, though he had himself thought of being with Allie and do whatever for fun and she would be available. Her busy routine made Noah to say those lines.

  4. Her busy routine made Noah to say those lines? Are you sure?
    May be. All I found fascinating was the free spirited air about her in the beginning and how towards the end there is conflict in her mind that she loves both of them.

  5. Perhaps yes, seeing the context.
    And all I found that it was about Noah & Allie :)

  6. It is about them I know but it is also about how you interpret :)
    Actually, this isn't a review, if you look at the labels. It is just in a fleeting glance, what struck me :)

  7. I like your last lines. You wrote it beautifully. Plato once said know thyself, but the question is that if someone known completely of him, will he ever try to live in the world? I think the mystery of life encourages man to live

  8. Yeah its true...
    Thank you for stopping by here :)


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